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Bosch & Thermador
Determine Bosch and Thermador appliances age by the serial number:
Example serial number FD81025564
The serial number will start with FD.
Ignore the FD and the first number after the FD.
Move to the fourth character (this will be the year)
Then move to the fifth and six character this will be the month.
So the manufacture date on this example is February 2001.
With the month (02) second month of the year.
And the (1) being first year of 2001.
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Fisher & Paykel
Here is a matrix to determine the year and month that your Fisher & Paykel Appliance was built:
The first letter in your serial number is the year code:
The second letter in your serial number is the month code:
So for an example:
Serial Number of RPU766991 translates to a machine build date of July 2006.
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Frigidaire serial number number age finder:
For example lets use the serial number NF11910958.
The NF stands for where it was made.
The first digit is the year which in this case it is 2001.
The fourth and fifth character is the Week of manufacture. 19 week.
So this is April of 2001.
Now if the Serial number has the first digit like (8) then it could be 88,98, or 2008.
You would need to physically look at the appliance to determine the true age.
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Ge appliances
GE, Hotpoint,RCA serial number age finder,
The date code is in the letters on your serial number.
Example serial number: LT221102
LT221102 - L = month - June
LT221102 - T = year 1986 or 1998
LT was built June 1998 or June 1986
Date codes - First letter is the month and the second letter is the year.
A = January D = February F = March G = April H = May L = June M = July R = August S = Sept. T = Oct. V = Nov. Z = Dec.
Second letter is the year:
2nd Letter is the YEAR
A – 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
D – 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
F – 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
G – 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
H – 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
L – 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
M – 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
R – 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
S – 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
T – 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
V – 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
Z – 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
In some cases the serial number will have the same numbers, so you would have to physically look at the product to determine the 10 year difference. To see if it is a 1990 or 2000, and etc.
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LG appliances
LG appliance serial number age finder:
To determine a LG appliance age you need the serial number.
For example: 5 03 tagh22222
The first digit is the year, the second and third is the month.
In the above example the Manufacture date would be March of 2005.
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Maytag appliances
This page may help you find out the manufacturing date of your Maytag built appliance. Maytag now also owns, Jenn-Air, MagicChef and Amana.
You will need to write down the serial number from your model and serial tag.
Example serial number: 55555572UY
55555572UY - UY is the date code. The first letter is the year - U = 1998. The second letter is the month - Y = November. This appliance was made November of 1998.
First letter is the year, second letter is the month.
1980 E March
1981 G April
1982 J May
1983 L June
1984 N July
1985 P August
1986 R Sept.
1987 T Oct.
1988 V Nov.
1989 X Dec.
1990 B January
1991 D February
1992 F March
1993 H April
1994 K May
1995 M June
1996 Q July
1997 S August
1998 U Sept.
1999 W Oct.
2000 Y Nov.
2001 Z Dec.
2002 A January
2003 C February
2004 E March
2005 G April
2006 J May
2007 L June
anything after 2007 use Whirlpool
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Samsung Serial Number break down
The serial number of most Samsung products is 15 digits consisting of both numbers and letters. The production date can be determined by the 8th and 9th digit of the serial number. For some models, the serial number is 11 digits in length. In this case, the production date can be determined by the 4th and 5th digit of the serial number.
If the serial number is 15 digits, the 8th digit is the year and the 9th digit the month.
If the serial number is 11 digits, the 4th digit is the year and the 5th digit the month
Year Code
2001 R
2002 T
2003 W
2004 X
2005 Y
2006 A or L
2007 P
2008 Q
2009 S
2010 Z
2011 B
2012 C
2013 D
2014 F
2015 G
2016 H
2017 J
Month Code
January 1
February 1
March 3
April 4
May 5
June 6
July 7
August 8
September 9
October A
November B
December C
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Whirlpool appliances
You will need to write down the model number and letters from your model and serial tag.
The date code is in the letter on your model number.
Always use the last part of the model number.
Example model numbers: LRS5555BW1= 1994 or SF555PEYW1= 1992 or LE5555XPW1= 1985 or ET55PKXXW0= 1991 or EV555CXKW0 = 1982
K = 1982 or 2001 L = 1983 or 2002 M = 1984 or 2003 P = 1985 or 2004 R = 1986 or 2005 S = 1987 or 2006 T = 1988 or 2007 V = 1989 or 2008 W = 1990 or 2009 X = 1991 or 2010 Y = 1992 or 2011 A = 1993 or 2012 B = 1994 or 2013 D = 1995 or 2014 E = 1996 or 2015 F = 1997 or 2016 G = 1998 or 2017 H = 1999 or 2018 J = 2000 or 2019
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